Teleflora's Winter Kisses Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

No mistletoe required! Simply send this romantic bouquet of snow whites and rich reds arranged in our sculpted glass vase, and you're guaranteed a spot on her "nice" list.

No mistletoe required! Simply send this romantic bouquet of snow whites and rich reds arranged in our sculpted glass vase, and you're guaranteed a spot on her "nice" list.

No mistletoe required! Simply send this romantic bouquet of snow whites and rich reds arranged in our sculpted glass vase, and you're guaranteed a spot on her "nice" list.

This heartwarming bouquet includes red roses, red carnations, red miniature carnations, white matsumoto asters, white cushion chrysanthemums, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive glass Couture vase.

This heartwarming bouquet includes red roses, red carnations, red miniature carnations, white matsumoto asters, white cushion chrysanthemums, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive glass Couture vase.

This heartwarming bouquet includes red roses, red carnations, red miniature carnations, white matsumoto asters, white cushion chrysanthemums, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive glass Couture vase.

Orientation: All-Around

Teleflora's Winter Kisses Bouquet



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